Ghanaians Have to Be Carefully Over campaign Messages During Elections times.
Ghanaians citizens mostly are being abuse by politicians during election time by promising them in other to win elections .
Mostly what they do to take powers and madate from the people of Ghana are giving them good campaign messages and they end up showing nothing to our people's within our villages,towns and cities and the nation as a whole.
Ghanaians should be disappointed on politicians for the kind of empty campaign Messages they have given to us.
Main campaign Messages that makes some politicians to gain power from 2016 to 2020 in the elections times are as follows :
Firstly Ghanaians were promise by the current vice president of the republic of Ghana that one citizens one per bank account and it's a big scam we never heard anything about that policy again when he assumes office of the second chief of commanders of state
Secondly the vice President also said per his economics analysis on the kind of resources God has bless Ghanaians there is no need for Ghana to borrow from other countries,where he said Ghana is beyond borrowing or Beyond Aid.
more over the president,of Ghana has also promise Ghanaians that when he assumes office in his first year in office he will build about 350 senior high schools while rehabilitating the other unfinished projects of the previous governments but as we speak today the president has spent almost half of his two terms but he couldn't build even half of the let's be carefully when chosing leaders especially head of the state.
furthermore the fail aspects of the president is he promised to do for Ghanaians was one village one dam which is a big scam to I am speaking when you go to the northern part of Ghana some villages around tamale and the north east region are struggling for water within their communities.
Also the president of Ghana in his own manifesto states that in his Governments he will not tolerate family and friends governments like the previous governments has done by practising nepotism.come see today all the ministerial positions are his family members that's his nephews cousins and friends
more over the president of Ghana in his own manifesto states that in his office there will not be something like corruptions.Today the president himself is corrcorrupt more than any other governments in the history of Ghana,to some extent that he can't even talk about corruptions under his regime.corruptions like the pds scandals and during the election time some amount of money was transferred from one of the bank of Ghana to unknown ken offori atta regime he has never sit in any media house to talk about where's the credibility of this Government, emphatically no.
lastly,but not the least promise of the governments was when he said after assuming office he wiĺl share some of the national cake give to constituency within the country so that they can support the jobless youth of the country,today unemployment is the highest rate in country as we speak today about 50% of the youth are sitting idle without doing any other job to earn income for a living, which is so bad to the country, which may results many of the youth into some of the social vicee like robbery the country properties and the citizens as a whole and some will go into act like money rituals and many more we can talk about The sad aspect of the story is abouts the educational system of the Ghana education systems was one of biggest promised of the government to make sure that they will be improvement in the educational system of Ghana by introducing the free senior high school into the country but upon all the free senior high school into the country there is still a challenge in the educational system that's the quality of the education is very poor.
So with all the advance statements above so we have to be carefully when they are giving us their messages so that we can give them powers to harras our lives as citizens of the republic of Ghana our constitution has given us the mandate to chose as to who will be our political leader s in the is still on stand we are citizens not spectators.
This is written and present to you by the administrator of Zaapayim media Gh.
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