2021 Review For You

Zaapayim media Gh has been successful in one of its host called review of the year. It's a promise that before we had a successful new year again then what happened in the previous years must be brought to you to see the kind of trends, challenges, development,way of living within that year particularly in Ghana and the whole world.
The trends, challenges and reviews of year within Ghana was
I. A lot  of issues was arising from the president Nana Addo and  Dr Bawumia being it positive or negative
   these was one of the first thing ever to happen for the first lady and the second lady of Ghana to be taking salary because of their husbands in governance without any accountability
    Secondly we can also see our vice president Dr mahamudu Bawumia being so care in the digitaisation of the country.where many Ghanaians were so proud about it.
    Also we can also talk about the 2022 budget for the country which is the worst ever in the history of Ghana. the worst thing in the budget which the parliament is still debating on
 as to whether to be approved or not is the E levy tax Ghanaians is complaining about.
   A lots of things happen for the pass year 2021 where many innocent people lost their lives just for peaceful demonstration over a neighbor call kaka was murdered just for justice to be prevail we end up losing another lives In Ajura.
Also during 2021 we have witnessed a lot of events like the population census bureau for which it was postponed to 2021 because a pandemic called coronavirus.
    Concerned man his  Excellency John Drammani Mahama flagbeare for the national democratic congress had a to the sixteen regions over the 2020 elections just to motivate party sympathies, members, executives, leaders of the party within the regions and the nation as a whole for the kind of tremendous support they have given to the party as a whole over the kind of victory God has given to them for making majority in parliament constituting the speaker of parliament sumani Bagbin.
2021 was a year  of demonstration over the fix the country protest within the country over the kind of hardship, low development within the country and so many things which were so terrible in Ghana
Teacher kwadoo on the menace of fix GES (Ghana Education services).During fix the country demonstration one of the teachers from the Ghana national association of teacher's have the believe that GES should be fix rather than fixing the country protest.
Moreover The biggest reviews of the year was the presidential jet purchase which results to a lot of issues within the country.the president of the republic of Ghana in his own efforts purchased a private presidential jet for the country with our small taxpayer's money. 


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