Breaking news:former president his Excellency John drammani tour to the 16 region to say thanks to party members and supporters during election 2020

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His Excellency John drammani Mahama the former president of Ghana held a tour to all the sixteen regions of Ghana to say a big thanks to all the NDC supporters, members, sympathizers party executives within the regions and Ghana as a whole to say thank to every body for the tremendous support during election 2020.
But God being so wonderful the other opponent party won the election due to some corrupt issues of the electoral commission there was confusion with the results announcement of election 2020 to the extent of going to the supreme petition was written by the party executives to go to the supreme court but when they go to the court they couldn't succed in the court by losing the  case in the court.But mr president  has  been in the politics for long time and get to realize that election 2020 wasn't easy although he didn't win the election but he believes that there wasn't faith in the 2020 election results.He give instance where' he talk about some polling station there were military deployment to go and take some parliamentary seat but upon all they succed in winning almost half of the seat,but if not because of incompetency they will have constitute majority in parliament but they do connection to talk some seat but with all due respect they all have equal seats in parliament and the speaker Alban bagbin is even from their he stated that there's the need to go to the sixteen regions to say a big thank you to all those who supported the NDC party just to encourage them that they shouldn't give there's still have a way to go that we should be motivated that next election coming we still March them boot for boot.this is the first in history seeing the opposition party winning majority in parliament.

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