
maccasio throne concert and Ataaka street carnival will bring problems to the northern music industry.

    In Ghana here, northern region music industry is one of the biggest music industry as compare to the southern sector north has the majority musician .Northern region is bless with talented artist like Maccasio de Zola king, Ataaka the Rappers jack,fadlan de youngbull,Gonga de northern music president,Dobble tee,fancy Gadam the zongo king and many more artist. As we all realize   th ese serious problems facing the northern music industry because there's misunderstanding betweens  Some few artist that's Maccasio, fancy Gadam and Ataaka de rappers jack  Is very bad for the northern music industry if care is not taken then all the time things will just continue to be like that and the generation will also continue to be like that what dow think it will end the music industry.that is going to be a treat to the musi c industry.then it will end up dividing the northern music industry into some groups we I'll never understand. All this things in particularly goes to the norther

the struggle in music by North East region musicians is very sad.

Mamprugu music industry in Ghana is one of the most influential industry every body is ready to take part when it comes to music and entertainment. But there's one thing about which we don't consider those ones but we only thinks it's their duty to produce hits songs but the matter of the fact is we lack good support for them. Frankly speaking there is no support for mamprugu music industry.those artist who we think that they have gone far small the support we give them is too small.supporting some one doesn't mean that giving them money but they have channels in youtube let's give them the support by subscribing to their YouTube channels, sharing and likes are the best way we can help support our mamprugu musician but not physically financing them with plenty money. Mamprugu Industry is one of the industry with talented musician.After a count down from Sapashini,striker De Donzy Omarion ck de magnificent,Rastee lion 50 Abosco de conker and many more we still have a